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One-Line Bio

Lived in Paris, Lives in Manhattan


I'm a Parisian woman married to a New Yorker.

In my prior life of PR with Elf Aquitaine and Renault, I was traveling all over the world for my work and was ready to leave Paris to get a new experience abroad when I met my American husband.

When I arrived in New York six years ago, I realized that I was missing all those little things or habits I had accumulated over a lifetime, which can really enrich one’s daily life.
It was a real discovery for me to realize that I really missed my French bread, my French cosmetics, my French books -- well, you get the idea.
At the beginning, each time I would go back to France, I would return with extra bags filled with French products. Since then, fortunately, I have learned where to look to find many of them in New York and even better, in the process of trying to maintain some of my old habits, I have really learned to love New York.

At the same time, I have met lots of Francophile among the Americans in New York. Whatever my American friends think of France’s role in the world, they all want to tell me about France, or about their most recent trip there, or how much they love Paris. So, in many ways, my site is a way for them to find out where to go in New York to meet French people or find a taste of French life.

While writing Paris in New York, I have found that France is actually not so far away....